So for this one you need to hop in the wayback machine and remember the origin of the Hyperloop media release. It was presented as a teaser on a new revolutionary transport system and as kind of challenge for people to figure out how it might work before the white paper was released.
I was in between contracts at the time so I figured I would spend a day sketching out my take on it.
Personally I like my idea better then what turned out to be the actual Hyperloop concept. My idea uses hundreds of reversible compressors to create a positive pressure system behind a single pod with a low pressure in front to propel a capsule down a tube.
It was a fun non-sensical execution of an idea. Sort of like developing space ships for some kind of sci-fi movie or something. Beyond that, I was never able to drink the cool-aid on the whole Hyperloop concept but hey, that’s just me.